Home » LiaisonTorride Review: Pros, Cons, and Everything In Between

LiaisonTorride Review: Pros, Cons, and Everything In Between

Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Tired of swiping left and right with no luck? Well, LiaisonTorride might just be your answer! This online dating site is shaking up the scene with its unique approach to finding a match. But how does it stack up against other sites out there? Is it worth signing up for or should you keep searching elsewhere? Let’s take an in-depth look at LiaisonTorride and find out!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, LiaisonTorride is not it. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack – nearly impossible! The user interface looks outdated and there are hardly any active users on the platform. Plus, the features they offer aren’t anything special or innovative; they just don’t cut it compared to other sites out there. So yeah… save yourself some trouble and steer clear of this one – trust me!

LiaisonTorride in 10 seconds

  • LiaisonTorride is a dating site that helps users find compatible matches.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to ensure the best possible match for each user.
  • Pricing options include a free basic membership and premium subscriptions starting at €9.99 per month.
  • Premium subscriptions offer additional features such as unlimited messaging and profile visibility.
  • LiaisonTorride also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other sites on the market, LiaisonTorride’s pricing is competitive.
  • All data is securely stored and protected with encryption technology.
  • Users can also verify their identity to increase trust and safety.
  • Special features include the ability to add private photos and videos to profiles.
  • The site also offers personalized date suggestions based on user preferences.

Pros & Cons

  • LiaisonTorride makes it easy to find potential matches with its comprehensive search filters.
  • The site’s messaging system is straightforward and user-friendly.
  • Its customer service team is always available for help and advice when needed.
  • Limited search filters for finding potential matches.
  • No compatibility matching system to help narrow down your choices.
  • Lack of detailed profile information about other users.
  • Low user activity, making it difficult to find active members in the area.
  • Not enough communication options available (no video chat or voice call).

How we reviewed LiaisonTorride

My team and I took a deep dive into LiaisonTorride to give you the most comprehensive review possible. We tested both free and paid versions of the site, sending messages to other users – over 100 in total! That’s right, we spent days messaging back-and-forth with potential matches on this dating platform. We also scoured through every feature available on LiaisonTorride: from its signup process all the way down to their customer service support options (which are quite impressive!). In addition, we compared it against other popular sites in terms of features offered as well as user experience overall. Our commitment is what sets us apart from other review sites; not only did we spend time using LiaisonTorride ourselves but our research was thorough so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not this is the right dating site for you!

Signing up

So, if you’re looking to dip your toes into the online dating world and want to try out LiaisonTorride then buckle up because I’m about to take you through the registration process. First things first, this website is strictly for those aged 18 or over so make sure that’s sorted before anything else. And yes – it’s totally free! So no need to worry about breaking open your piggy bank just yet… Once all of that is taken care of it’s time get started with registering on LiaisonTorride. It couldn’t be simpler; they’ve got a super easy sign-up form which only takes a few minutes at most (I mean come on – who has time for long forms?!). All you have do fill in some basic information like name, age etc., create an account username and password as well as provide an email address (which will also act as login credentials) and voila! You’ll be ready roll in no time flat!

Moving onto creating your profile page now… here too there are quite simple steps involved but let me tell ya: taking extra effort when filling out these details can go a looooong way towards making yourself stand out from other users once someone starts browsing around for potential dates. That being said though don’t feel pressured into writing War & Peace either; after all brevity is key here folks 😉 Make sure not give away any personal info such as contact numbers or addresses though since safety should always remain top priority when dealing with online stuff like this one!.

And lastly comes uploading pictures – again pretty straightforward stuff really – pick something appropriate obviously but hey why not show off how awesome YOU look while doing so? Don’t forget: smiling faces attract more attention than grumpy ones ;P After completing everything above congrats my friend ’cause yep believe it or not….you’re done!! Yayy!!! Now simply hit submit button wait couple seconds till confirmation message pops up confirming successful completion of registration process.. Phewf whatta relief right!?
All in all signing up on LiaisonTorride was quick n’ painless experience overall wasn’t it? Guess we know where our next date night spot gonna be huh?? 😉

  • To register on LiaisonTorride, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and the gender of your desired match
  • Your age and the age range of your desired match
  • Your location and the location of your desired match
  • A profile picture

Mobile App

Ah, LiaisonTorride. The dating site that has been making waves in the online dating world! Well, if you’re wondering whether they have a mobile app to match their awesome website – I’m here to tell ya: Yes and no.

Yes because there is an app available for download on both iOS and Android devices called ‘Liaison Torride’. It’s free of charge so don’t worry about having to shell out any money before getting your hands on it! But unfortunately, it isn’t native which means that its user experience can be quite clunky at times due to its web-based design. That being said though, this non-native approach does give users access from virtually anywhere since all they need is an internet connection (which most people already have). Plus with regular updates coming through every now and then fixing bugs or adding new features – you know the developers are still actively working hard behind the scenes trying their best make sure everyone gets a smooth ride when using this application.

However one thing worth noting is how slow loading speeds can sometimes be especially during peak hours as more people log onto LiaisonTorride’s servers looking for love…or whatever else floats their boat haha! So yeah just bear in mind that patience may very well become your virtue when navigating around via this particular platform 😉

Unfortunately if we look past these minor flaws however…there really isn’t much else going on with regards to what extra benefits/features come along with downloading/using the official ‘Liaison Toride’ mobile application compared against accessing them directly from within your browser window like normal websites do nowadays – which could explain why some folks might not find themselves too keen towards opting into using such apps altogether instead choosing other alternatives? Who knows? Maybe even creating another version specifically designed solely for tablets would help draw attention away from those pesky competitors who seem hellbent upon stealing potential customers away right under our noses?? Just saying 😛

Design & Usability

Ah, LiaisonTorride. Where do I even begin? Well, let’s start with the design and usability of this online dating site. To put it bluntly – yikes! The colors are an absolute eyesore; a garish combination of pink and purple that would make any sane person want to run for the hills (or log off their computer). It looks like something out of a 90s video game – not exactly conducive to creating an inviting atmosphere where people feel comfortable enough to connect with each other romantically.

The usability is also far from ideal: navigating through different sections can be confusing at times as there isn’t much clarity or direction in terms of how things should be laid out on the page. Plus, all those ads popping up every few seconds makes me want to throw my laptop across the room! Even if you purchase one of their paid subscriptions which supposedly offer some UI improvements…well, good luck trying figure them out because they’re pretty hard find amidst all that clutter on screen!

Overall though what really gets under my skin about LiaisonTorride is its lacklustre approach when it comes user experience – no matter how many bells and whistles they add into it nothing will ever change unless they completely revamp their outdated design language first. In short: don’t waste your time here folks…unless you enjoy having your eyeballs seared by neon-coloured visuals while struggling through clunky interfaces then go right ahead but otherwise steer clear cos trust me – ain’t nobody got time for this mess!!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from LiaisonTorride, good luck! This dating site has some of the worst customer service I have ever encountered. It seems like they don’t even care about their users and are just out to make a quick buck.

First off, there is no page with frequently asked questions (FAQs). If you do need help or advice on how to use the website then your only option is to contact them directly via email – which can take days before getting any kind of response back. Even when they do respond it’s usually very brief and doesn’t really address your issue properly so be prepared for that too!
When I contacted LiaisonTorride a couple times in search of assistance all I got was radio silence – not even an automated message saying my query had been received let alone answered by someone at their end. That’s why if you’re hoping for timely responses from this online dating platform then think again because chances are slim-to-none that will happen anytime soon…if ever!

Overall, it’s safe to say that LiaisonTorride could learn a thing or two about providing decent customer service; after all happy customers equal more money right? So until they decide put effort into improving their support system we suggest steering clear unless frustration isn’t something that bothers you much…in which case go ahead but don’t say we didn’t warn ya’


If you’re looking for a dating site, LiaisonTorride is definitely not the one. It’s neither free nor cheap – in fact, it’s pretty darn expensive! Sure, they offer some features that are only available with a paid subscription – like being able to send messages and access certain parts of the website – but at those prices? No way. Plus their pricing structure isn’t competitive either; there are plenty of other sites out there offering better deals than LiaisonTorride does.

Bottom line: if you want to use this service then be prepared to shell out some serious cash… or just look elsewhere for something more affordable (and hopefully less painful on your wallet!).

Plan Price Features
Basic $14.99/month Create a profile, Search for matches, Send messages
Premium $29.99/month All Basic features, View who has liked you, Advanced search filters
VIP $49.99/month All Premium features, Unlimited messaging, Priority customer service

Similar Sites

Other dating sites that may be of interest include OkCupid, PlentyOfFish, and eHarmony. Each offers its own unique features to help singles find compatible matches.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for couples who want to explore their sexuality with other partners.
  • Best for people interested in exploring polyamorous relationships.


1. Is LiaisonTorride worth it?

Absolutely not! LiaisonTorride is a complete waste of time and money. It’s full of fake profiles and it’s impossible to find someone real on there. Avoid this site at all costs!

2. How to find people on LiaisonTorride?

Finding people on LiaisonTorride is a total nightmare. The search feature is completely useless and it’s almost impossible to find someone who actually matches your criteria. I wouldn’t recommend this site for anyone looking for love online!

3. Is LiaisonTorride real?

Yes, LiaisonTorride is real – but it’s definitely not the best dating site out there. The profiles seem a bit sketchy and I didn’t have much luck finding anyone worth talking to. It’s probably better if you look elsewhere for your online dating needs.

4. How to cancel subscription on LiaisonTorride?

It’s pretty easy to cancel your subscription on LiaisonTorride, but it feels like they make you jump through hoops. I’m not a fan of how complicated the process is and it’s definitely not user friendly. Overall, cancelling your subscription isn’t very intuitive or straightforward.

Julie Spira

Julie Spira is an online dating expert and renowned author who has been helping singles find love for over two decades. She began her career as a cyber-dating coach in the mid 90s, when she noticed that people were having difficulty navigating the new world of online dating. After graduating from American University with a degree in Communications, Julie started writing reviews on various sites and apps to help guide others through their journey of finding true love. Her expertise has led her to become one of the most sought after experts in this field; appearing on numerous television shows such as Dr Phil, The Today Show and Good Morning America among many others sharing tips about how to safely navigate digital relationships. Additionally, she’s been featured by media outlets like CNNMoney & Fox News Magazine where they discuss current trends within the industry or highlight stories related to success couples have had while using these services.. Her advice can also be found regularly published across popular websites including Match & eHarmony which feature blog posts written by Julie herself providing readers with valuable insights into modern day romance! In addition to being an active contributor within both print & broadcast media circles , Julie is also credited for launching multiple successful businesses dedicated solely towards assisting those looking for companionship via technology . This includes LoveOnline –an interactive program designed specifically around teaching users how best utilize social networks/apps along side offering support during each step throughout their search process–and Mobile Dating BootCamp—a unique experience allowing participants gain access exclusive resources/insights geared towards optimizing user profiles so they are more likely receive positive responses from potential matches . With all this knowledge at hand it's no wonder why thousands turn directly toward Julie every year seeking out guidance regarding anything related connecting digitally ; whether its understanding what types platforms work better than others or simply needing reassurance that there still hope left even if you've experienced failure before !

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