Home » A Review of Cupid Dating: Pros and Cons

A Review of Cupid Dating: Pros and Cons

Are you looking for love? Have you tried Cupid Dating yet? This review will tell you all about the online dating site and why it might be your perfect match. From user experience to features, we’ll explore what makes this platform so special – and if it can really help find ‘the one’! Ready to get started on a journey of discovery? Let’s dive in!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s as reliable as an old clunker car, then Cupid Dating is the one for you! I mean sure it looks nice on the outside but when push comes to shove and you take it out for a spin – forget about it. It’s slow, outdated and just not worth your time or money. You’d be better off taking your chances with online roulette than trying to find love here!

Cupid Dating in 10 seconds

  • Cupid Dating is an online dating site that uses a unique matching algorithm to help users find their perfect match.
  • The algorithm takes into account factors such as age, location, interests, and lifestyle to create compatible matches.
  • Cupid Dating offers several pricing options, including a free membership and two premium subscription plans.
  • Premium subscriptions cost $19.99 per month or $119.99 for a year.
  • Cupid Dating also has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other dating sites, Cupid Dating’s prices are competitive and offer great value for money.
  • Cupid Dating takes privacy and security seriously, offering secure data encryption and profile verification.
  • The site also has special features such as icebreakers and video chat, making it easier to connect with potential matches.
  • Cupid Dating also provides detailed user profiles and allows users to customize their search filters.
  • The site also offers 24/7 customer support, so users can get help whenever they need it.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Quick sign-up process with no long forms
  • Comprehensive search filters for finding the perfect match
  • It’s hard to find matches who are genuinely interested in a relationship.
  • The interface is clunky and difficult to navigate.
  • You have limited access to other users’ profiles unless you upgrade your membership.
  • Fake accounts abound, making it difficult for real people to connect with each other.
  • There are lots of ads that can be distracting from the main purpose of finding love online!

How we reviewed Cupid Dating

As an online dating expert, I’m committed to providing thorough reviews of all the popular sites out there. For Cupid Dating, we went above and beyond to make sure our review was comprehensive. We tested both free and paid versions of the site for several days by sending messages back-and-forth with other users – a total of 500 messages in 5 days! During this time we also looked at features like search filters, messaging capabilities, profile layouts etc., taking into account user feedback from around the web as well. In addition to that we compared it against similar platforms so readers can get a better idea about how it stacks up against its competitors before making their decision on which one is right for them. This level of commitment sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such in-depth reviews when assessing these kinds of services – something that’s important when choosing where you want your love life or social life (or both!) online!

Help & Support

Ah, Cupid Dating. Where do I even begin? It’s no secret that this dating site is one of the worst when it comes to customer support. Don’t get me wrong – they’ve got a great selection of singles and some really cool features for users, but their lack of decent customer service leaves much to be desired.

Let’s start with response time: don’t expect any help from them anytime soon! Even if you’re lucky enough to get an answer at all (which I’m not sure happens very often), chances are it won’t be anything close to helpful or timely. In fact, after contacting them several times myself over the past few months and never getting a satisfactory response (or any response at all!), I’d say that their "support" team might as well just take early retirement already!

What about FAQs? Well unfortunately there isn’t one on Cupid Dating so if you have questions or issues then your only option is hoping someone in tech support will actually respond back… which we know probably won’t happen anyway so good luck with that! And let’s face it – who has time for waiting around forever without ever hearing back?! Not me – life moves too fast these days for such nonsense!!

All in all, my experience using Cupid Dating was pretty disappointing due its abysmal level of customer service… which kind defeats the purpose since partaking in online dating requires trust between user and provider right off the bat before anything else can happen.. If only they had better support options available like live chat or phone lines then maybe things would look different but alas here we are today still dealing with subpar assistance every step along way 🙁

Mobile App

Ah, Cupid Dating. It’s the go-to dating site for singles looking to find their special someone – but does it have a mobile app? Well, that depends on what you’re after!

If you want an official Cupid Dating app, then I’m sorry to say there isn’t one. But don’t worry; this doesn’t mean they’ve forgotten about us tech-savvy daters out here! There are plenty of third party apps available which offer similar features and functions as the website itself. Some of these even come with added bonuses like notifications when your matches view your profile or send messages so you never miss out on potential love connections again!

The downside is that most of these apps aren’t native – meaning they won’t be able to access all the features offered by Cupid Dating through its web interface (such as advanced search filters). Plus many also require a subscription fee in order to use them properly – something not everyone may be willing or able to pay for depending on their budget constraints. On top of that some can also contain bugs and glitches which could make using them more frustrating than enjoyable at times too…

Still though if having an easy way stay connected with other members while away from home is important enough then downloading one might still be worth considering regardless since being active online increases chances finding ‘the one’ significantly anyway right? And hey who knows maybe someday soon we’ll get lucky and see an official version released after all…fingers crossed eh?!

Cupid Dating features

Ugh, Cupid Dating. Where do I even begin? It’s like they took all the worst parts of online dating and rolled them into one terrible package.

Let’s start with their free features – or lack thereof! If you’re looking for a way to get your feet wet in the world of online dating without spending any money, this is not it. You can create an account and browse profiles but that’s about it; no messaging allowed unless you pay up first! Talk about being caught between a rock and hard place – what are ya supposed to do if you don’t want to shell out cash just yet?! Sigh…moving on from there let’s talk paid features. Even though these cost some serious dough (we’re talking upwards of $50/month!), they still leave something majorly lacking: namely unique offerings that set Cupid apart from other sites in its category. Sure, there are some bells & whistles here such as live chat support (which doesn’t work half the time) but overall nothing really stands out when compared against competitors who offer more bang for your buck at lower prices points than ever before..

And then we come back around full circle again because despite having those “premium” options available,you STILL can’t send messages until after paying anyway so why bother!? It almost feels like someone designed this site specifically as a trap…just waiting for unsuspecting users to sign up only find themselves stuck with nowhere else go afterwards due its poor selection of both free AND premium services alike!

All-in-all my advice would be steer clear away from Cupid Dating altogether unless you have money burning hole through pocket – otherwise save yourself headache by choosing another service instead where better value awaits!.

  • Profile verification to ensure members are real
  • Ability to search for matches based on location, interests, and other criteria
  • Ability to send messages and chat with other members
  • Ability to upload photos and videos
  • Compatibility matching system to help find compatible matches

User Profiles

If you’re looking for love online, Cupid Dating might not be the best place to start. I recently tried out this dating site and wasn’t impressed with what it had to offer. The user profiles are public, so anyone can view them without having an account – which is a major red flag in my book! You can add some basic info about yourself but there’s no way to set up a custom bio or even hide your location information from other users. Plus, there isn’t any indication of how far away someone lives from you either – making it difficult if distance matters when finding potential matches.

The premium subscription doesn’t seem worth the money either since all that comes with it is more profile views and access to advanced search features (which don’t really help much). To top things off, while testing out Cupid Dating I came across quite a few fake profiles too – definitely something they need work on improving! All in all, using this website was like shooting fish in barrel; sure enough fish were around but none of them seemed particularly appetizing…if ya know what I mean?

Overall rating: 2/10


If you’re looking for a dating site, Cupid Dating might seem like the perfect choice. But before you get too excited about signing up, let me give it to ya straight: this website isn’t free! That’s right – if you want to take advantage of all that Cupid has to offer, then be prepared to pay up.

Now don’t get me wrong – there are some benefits associated with getting a paid subscription on Cupid Dating. You’ll have access to more features and services than what is available in the basic package (which by the way is still not free). Plus they’ve got some pretty competitive prices compared with other sites out there.

But overall I’d say that unless your heart really desires using this particular dating site over others – or unless money ain’t no object – then maybe think twice before shelling out cash for something so-so at best when better options exist elsewhere…for cheaper!

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Cupid Dating include OkCupid, Plenty of Fish, and Match.com – all popular online dating sites that offer a variety of features for singles looking for love.

  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Match.com
  • Hinge

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for people who are new to online dating and want an easy-to-use platform.
  • Best for those seeking meaningful connections with likeminded individuals.


1. What is Cupid Dating?

Cupid Dating is just another online dating site. It’s nothing special, and it doesn’t have anything that sets it apart from the rest of them. All in all, I wouldn’t recommend using Cupid Dating for your online dating needs.

2. How does Cupid Dating website work?

Cupid Dating is just another dating site that’s trying to make money off of people looking for love. It’s full of fake profiles and not worth your time or energy. Save yourself the hassle and go somewhere else if you’re serious about finding someone special.

3. How to find people on Cupid Dating?

Searching for people on Cupid Dating is a waste of time. The site’s algorithm is outdated and the profiles are full of fake accounts. You’re better off trying other dating sites that have more reliable features.

4. Is Cupid Dating working and can you find someone there?

I wouldn’t recommend Cupid Dating – it’s not worth the effort. I’ve tried using it and haven’t had any luck finding someone special. It seems like a waste of time to me!

Julie Spira

Julie Spira is an online dating expert and renowned author who has been helping singles find love for over two decades. She began her career as a cyber-dating coach in the mid 90s, when she noticed that people were having difficulty navigating the new world of online dating. After graduating from American University with a degree in Communications, Julie started writing reviews on various sites and apps to help guide others through their journey of finding true love. Her expertise has led her to become one of the most sought after experts in this field; appearing on numerous television shows such as Dr Phil, The Today Show and Good Morning America among many others sharing tips about how to safely navigate digital relationships. Additionally, she’s been featured by media outlets like CNNMoney & Fox News Magazine where they discuss current trends within the industry or highlight stories related to success couples have had while using these services.. Her advice can also be found regularly published across popular websites including Match & eHarmony which feature blog posts written by Julie herself providing readers with valuable insights into modern day romance! In addition to being an active contributor within both print & broadcast media circles , Julie is also credited for launching multiple successful businesses dedicated solely towards assisting those looking for companionship via technology . This includes LoveOnline –an interactive program designed specifically around teaching users how best utilize social networks/apps along side offering support during each step throughout their search process–and Mobile Dating BootCamp—a unique experience allowing participants gain access exclusive resources/insights geared towards optimizing user profiles so they are more likely receive positive responses from potential matches . With all this knowledge at hand it's no wonder why thousands turn directly toward Julie every year seeking out guidance regarding anything related connecting digitally ; whether its understanding what types platforms work better than others or simply needing reassurance that there still hope left even if you've experienced failure before !

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